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of our work

Website examples

Positive Change

Case studies from simple business consulting and marketing strategy up to full business startup and turnaround projects.


Business Turnaround Project
Women's Fitness Studio


Krista Kaia Fit Davis Community fitness


The business was purchased for $15,000 with 3 employees, 2 class types, 13 classes per week and 71 members.


We increased to 16 employees, 8 class types, 38 classes per week and 148 members


In 4 months.


And doubled revenue.

Then the studio was able to be successfully operated from hours away. Phones, classes, payroll, supplies, events, sales, scheduling, cleaning... all done by employees.


Made it easy to sell as not only women and not only fitness instructors could run it. 


Sold at 18 months for 317% ROI


Business Turnaround Project
Women's Fitness Studio


Krista Kaia Fit Davis Community fitness


The business was purchased with 3 employees, 2 class types, 13 classes per week and 71 members.


We increased to 16 employees, 8 class types, 38 classes per week and 148 members


In 4 months.


And doubled revenue.

Then the studio was able to be successfully operated from hours away. Phones, classes, payroll, supplies, events, sales, scheduling, cleaning... all done by employees.


Made it easy to sell by being an absentee-run business any investor could buy, not only women and not only fitness instructors could run it. Larger pool meant higher price and quicker sale.


Sold at 18 months for 317% ROI


Yelp Page Optimization
Water Heater Specialist​
bathtub in front of  a water heater with an amazing view.jpg


With a $500 Yelp Ad Budget, he was paying $16.46 Cost Per Click for an average of 1 a day from paid ads. He had almost no organic visits to his page. We added strategically-written copy in all the places Yelp draws from, hid SEO keywords "behind" his new better-targeted images, responded skillfully to a dozen reviews bringing up the good ones and minimizing the damage of the 1-stars.


With NO increase to his Yelp ad budget, his:


  • Previous year averaged 1.3 clicks/day

  • Two weeks after we optimized he averaged 3.6 clicks per day.

  • No budget increase. 


A one-time payment, now $2,400 due to demand and value.

Marketing + Growth Consulting
Solar Installation Contractor​

This is a screenshot from a client's Yelp account. Remember Solar is seasonal. The Blue is what he was getting seasonally. The Orange was additional traffic with a Yelp budget of $2,100/month, February to June.


In July, we optimized his page and increased his ad budget by only 25%. Now the Orange shows him getting more calls even through the winter! 


By the end of July we'd given him a new, effective website. His business went from 1 website call per 5 Yelp messages to about 5/5. 


He was a little overwhelmed with client calls :-) So we loaned him an Interim Salesperson at a cost of 5% LESS than his former non-sales employee. In 2 months we had signed contracts for 844% More Revenue than any previous 2 month period. In 2 months he grossed over 140% more than his entire previous year! 


We used the additional revenue as momentum to hire and train a new admin, create a sales position, a manager and couple extra guys on the roof. We set him up with a CRM system, hiring account, payroll, legal and insurance resources, business partnerships, networking strategies and ways to further develop his "playbook" for operations and growth.


Marketing payments $198/week +

15% commission on payments, when received for contracts we closed in those 2 months.

Individuals / Self Employed
Attorneys, Realtors, Owners


Slow economy doesn't mean lost


Small business owners (and the perpetually self-employed :-) often have income that's directly tied to the investment of their personal time. Whatever they're doing has often been working for years, but may be becoming less effective now. Or they're ready for a change if lifestyle .

We can help with:


  • ​making the business able to be run by someone else (suspend disbelief; call us)

  • responding to market and economic changes

  • surviving the challenge of the post-ish covid economy

  • preparing for retirement or sale

  • reducing owner/operators working hours

  • increasing revenue and asset value

  • more effective marketing for the times

  • taking a brick and mortar online for additional revenue streams

  • discovering other additional revenue streams

  • increasing reviews, referrals and reputation 

  • growing or franchising the business


We FIND money for these owners in a review of each system to see where costs can be cut and where investments should be made to increase revenue and asset value. Call (650)201-9558.


Range of services with monthly payments​

Technology Start up
Rideshare hybrid




Play Video


Our business plan and marketing set the founder up toward funding for seed capital. He had all the pieces he needed for it to launch.


By hybrid, we mean it wasn't just a tech startup. Competing against some serious industry giants, it needed to create it's own Differentiation and find a viable Niche.​ "Cheaper" or claiming "Better" than the Uber/Lyft Giants wasn't going to work.


Our business plan positioned it as a local, personable, accessible by phone, very "human" community employer / service provider, part tech startup, part small business, with modern rideshare technology, drivers with the intimate local knowledge of old taxi drivers, the hospitality and service of limo companies, the community  reach of non-profits and appropriate-level pricing.


We formed the business entity and set up all the other legal/financial startup accounts & filings...


Designed a temporary website that would appeal on separate landing pages to potential executive team members, to the first contractors of an amazing workforce and to investors.


We sourced technology and communication partners, meeting and networking space, hospitality partnerships, community fundraising venues, meeting and project leadership, legal, financial, insurance and all necessary technology in addition to the driver and client apps. 


Performing startup facilitation, board and advisory roles, we galvanized a diverse startup team, recommended business partnerships, funding sources, marketing plans... We designed and created the video, led the startup team, prepared and coached the founder on pitch presentations, and located his first opportunity for seed funding. He took it from there... 


Business idea to fundable: less than a year


Your business
or business idea?

We work WITH you to achieve your goals. 

Small Business Start up
HS-College Mentor Program


Mothers and Daughters 2.jpg


This startup had two partners, an idea, a couple of employees and a seasonal deadline. 


We provided the business plan, business entity filling, consulting on the website design and images, the messages they might want to use to appeal separately both to parents and teens, in visually-directed areas of the website so the teens would see how cool it was and the parents would see their children would be fully supported in their personal and academic success by a company that was different, not better.


We found them payroll and HR services, referred them to an excellent phone systems provider, consulted on payment processing and other startup details until they were ready to launch.


About 6 weeks

Under $12,000


Small Business Sale
Wellness Center 4 locations




We updated this business' online presence, automated marketing, brought in payroll, quickbooks and outside services for laundry, employees did cleaning, sales, phones... a fully absentee-run, 4-location business. Infinitely scaleable with all aspects of the business automated or managed without ownership involvement. 


Sold during the shutdown

About 10x profits (industry standard 1x-2x)​

Call or Text for a 1/2 Hour Consultation

Call for your very own, affordable, business coach.


If your project is larger than you feel your business can afford, we have many solutions and the FIRST thing we're going to do is find your business more money, to MAKE it affordable to raise the overall income and asset value.

Don't get stuck doing what you've done.


We're here to support positive change in your life and in the life of your business.


Effective Websites

Start with targeting your best audience with the right colors, fonts, images, writing styles... Differentiating to eliminate having to compete by discounts and getting a site that inspires people to call, click, signup, buy, schedule...


Can't Hurt...

We'll review your business idea, purchase, plan or operation for strengths and vulnerabilities, for ways we can make or save you money and improve value. 


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